3rd Facial Plastic ENT Course
Category: Training - School of Surgery
Date: March 26th 2013 9:00am until 5:00pm
Location: Academy Clinical Skills Room, Great Western Hospital, Swindon SN3 6BB
For Severn Core Trainees and registrars in ENT, OMFS and Plastic Surgery.
Morning session:
- Introduction to Facial plastics in ENT: Mr. Banfield
- Nasal flaps: Mr. Banfield
- Ear Reconstruction: Mr. Sood
- Eyelid surgery: Mr. Yasen
- Reconstructive ladder: Mr. MacDonald
Afternoon session:
- Hands-on experience with Pigs ears and skins to practice flaps
Cost/Registration Details
Course is free but numbers are capped at 16. Register below.
For Additional Course Information
Please contact Mr. Sood at Salil.Sood@gwh.nhs.uk