Basic Principles of Fracture Fixation
Category: Training - Core Surgery
Date: December 11th 2015 8:00am until 5:00pm
Location: Redwood Education Centre, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester GL1 3NN
For Core T&O trainees. Of note: this is 1 the 5 clinical skills courses Core T&O trainees are expected to complete over their 2 years of core training. For additional information, please see the Core T&O section at the bottom of the following page
One day course designed for core trainees with an interest in trauma and orthopaedics. A consultant faculty will provide basic principles teaching with small group practical saw bone sessions to prepare you for the next step in training.
This course makes up one of the compulsory training days for Severn Deanery T&O core trainees.
Free for Severn Deanery Trainees (£30 returnable deposit required), external delegates £60
Additional Information/Registration
For an application form, please email (and return the completed form to) In addition, please send a cheque for the relevant amount made payable to GHNHSFT to Fracture Fixation Course 2015, C/O Jane Adams, Tower Block Level 3 T&O Office, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester, GL1 3NN.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.