Basic Principles of Fracture Fixation

Category: Training - Core Surgery

Date: December 1st 2017

Location: Redwood Education Centre, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester GL1 3NN

Google map

For Core T&O trainees (and FY2s with an interest in orthopaedic trauma)



Lead by expert consultant faculty, this course features hands-on practicals, lectures and small group discussions. Participants will also receive breakfast, lunch and coffees, a course manual, as well as a course certificate.



FREE for Severn CTs. £60 for other delegates.

Cheques (made payable to "Health Education England") should be posted to:

Chad Elliott
Deanery House
Vantage Office Park
Old Gloucester Road
BS16 1GW


Registration/Additional Information

For registration (or additional information) please contact Hamish Macdonald at