Core Knowledge Day 2: Palliative Care, Research & Audit
Category: Training - Core - Knowledge Training
Date: October 19th 2017 9:00am until 5:00pm
Location: Postgraduate Education Centre (Tutorial Room F), University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol BS2 8HW
For all Core Trainees (Core Surgery-In General & Core T&O).
The topics covered will be:
- Patient Safety and Governance
- Transplantation
- Appraisal of academic abstracts/papers + forum on getting into research
- End of life pathways/Palliative Care
- Geriatric medicine input in elderly emergency laparotomy patients
Mr. David Messenger
Compulsory for all Core Trainees (including LATs) to attend all 4 knowledge days over their two years of core training.
30 places only. Each core knowledge day will be run once each year to allow choice (over the two years of core training) for attendance.
Core knowledge days provide formal teaching linked to the ISCP curriculum. The topics are chose to include areas of knowledge that are less prominent throughout the training programme and to ensure all core trainees acquire the relevant skills and exposure prior to progression to the ST programme.
No car-parking arrangements are provided at the venues. Most hospital venues and the Deanery have limited car-parking facilities. Good bus and train links are available across the Deanery region. Trainees are advised to plan their journeys to Core Knowledge Training Days in advance and if coming by car are advised to offer a lift to colleagues.
Attendance outcomes
A record of attendance will be kept by the Deanery. Attendance details are provided to your Programme Directors and will be assessed at the yearly ARCPs. Certificates will be provided for each training day to trainees, who attend, for their portfolio.
Trainee feedback
Trainees will be asked to provide anonymised feedback on each Core Knowledge Training Day. This is important for the School of Surgery to ensure that the standards of delivery and content of the teaching is maximized for Severn School of Surgery core trainees in the future.
Failure to attend a module requires a trainee to complete an explanation form which is available on-line at the School website and is returnable to Chad Elliott at the School of Surgery.
To register, enter you information below and click submit. (Please be sure to enter your email address correctly as you may receive course-related correspondence via that address.)