Core Knowledge Day - Emergency Surgery
Category: Training - Core - Knowledge Training
Date: November 26th 2021 8:45am until 4:30pm
Location: via MS Teams (organised by RUH)
The Core Knowledge Day for Emergency Surgery for Core Surgical Trainees, will be held on
Friday 26th November 2021 organised by RUH, Bath.
Hosted on MS Teams (no face to face training is taking place due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions)
The Day will commence at 08:45 and finish a 16:30.
Prior to the training day you should all have completed the eLearning modules relevant to emergency surgery. These are available at The aim of the day is to extend your knowledge and decision making process for emergency surgery and aid you in becoming better ST3 trainees (and it will help in your exams and interviews too).
The day is an interactive training day and you will be expected to take part in small group sessions throughout the day. I encourage you to get involved and try to take as much as possible away from the day that is relevant for you. Please ensure you have a webcam available.
The zoom link for the day will be forwarded via the School of Surgery, please note this will be sent to your email address provided to the Deanery on the registration list.
If you have any further questions please contact Richard Bamford ( or Susan House.
An evaluation feedback link will be sent by the School of Surgery after the event. The School of Surgery will generate certificates of attendance after completion of the evaluation feedback.
CST Core Knowledge Programme
26th November 2021
RUH Bath Post-Graduate Medical Centre – via Teams
0845 Welcome John Bunni
0900 Introduction and management of unwell surgical patients Richard Bamford
0930 Emergency surgery scenarios:Group A – LGI, Group B - UGI (See tables below)
1100 Break
1115 Urology Emergencies Jaspal Phull
1145 Vascular Emergencies Devan Thavarajan
1215 Management of acute small bowel obstruction Jamshed Shabbir
1245 Lunch
1330 Emergency Surgery Scenarios: Group A – UGI, Group B – LGI (See tables below)
1500 Break
1515 Handing over the emergency patient Mark Taylor
1615 Post-Operative Complications James Hopkins
1630 Closing remarks John Bunni