Core Surgical Training Bootcamp

Category: Training - Core Surgery

Date: August 2nd 2018 12:00am until August 3rd 2018 12:00am

Location: Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton TA1 5DA

Google map

The Core Surgical Training Induction Bootcamp will take place over 3 days.


  • Thursday 2nd August - Musgrove Park Taunton


  • Friday 3rd August – Musgrove Park Taunton


  • Friday 17th August – North Bristol Trust


Trainees should attend all 3 days


Your rota co-ordinators have been informed so you should not be on call on these dates; if you are please try to swap but let me know if you are having any problems.


An information pack will be sent out with the timetables and further information next week, however I wanted to let you know there will be a group meal booked for Thursday 2nd August in Taunton which we hope you will all attend.  There will therefore be accommodation available in Taunton and I would appreciate it if you could let me know asap if you would like to stay over to ensure I arrange enough rooms.


Any questions or problems please let me know; and I will be in contact next week with further information


Philippa Orchard

ST6 General Surgery

Severn School and Surgery Sim Fellow