Core Surgical Training - Physiology 2 - Applied Physiology of Hypoxia & Hypercapnia - Repeated
Category: Training - Core Training - Anatomy/Physiology
Date: December 10th 2019 2:00pm until 5:00pm
Location: Faculty of Science, University Bristol, Biomedical Science Building, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TD
Please only register to attend this event once please.
Overview of Physiology Sessions
The sessions are designed to improve understanding of physiological and pathophysiological concepts as detailed below. They will consist of seminars, case study discussions, hands-on physiology demonstration and interactive Human Patient Simulator (HPS) demonstrations. The balance of activities in each of the four sessions will vary according to the topic being considered.
Teaching will be delivered by:
- Dr Eugene Lloyd (course lead)
- Professor Judy Harris
- Dr Tony Pickering
Technical support will be provided by:
- Mr Dave Gee
- Mrs Clair Tompkins
Teaching sessions will normally run from 14.00 – 17.00 in the AIMS Seminar Centre (in which tea and coffee making facilities are available) and the adjoining School of Medical Sciences Teaching Laboratory Building. Please report to AIMS Reception in the AIMS Seminar Centre by 13.50. The entrance to this building is indicated on the map available at at
Still having trouble finding the venue? Contact Sophie Hunt (0117) 331 2278 or David Gee (0117) 331 2309
Entry to the AIMS Seminar Centre is card-controlled, but someone will be manning the door and looking out for the trainees from 1:40p.m. until shortly after 2.00p.m. for every session. If trainees arrive more than 5 minutes late, they may not be able to access the building.
If you arrive late, call either Inga Boardman on (0117) 3312385 or Dave Gee (0117) 331 2309.
Physiology 2: Applied physiology of hypoxia and hypercapnia
Topics covered:
- Factors affecting delivery of oxygen to the tissues
- Respiratory cycle, lung volumes and dead space
- Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
- Ventilation/perfusion matching
- Types of hypoxia
Timetable, Teaching Staff and Venues
14:00 Applied Physiology of Hypoxia and Hypercapnia (Biomedical TL E4.13 HPS)
15:00 Demonstration of vitalography and spirometry (Biomedical TL E4.13 HPS)
15:30 Tea break (AIMS Reception)
16:00 Respiratory Simulation (Biomedical TL E4.13 HPS)
Compulsory for all CT1s (including LATs).
Each module for anatomy and physiology is run twice to allow choice for attendance. Please only book one option for each module. Each module only has places for a maximum of 20 trainees. Please sign up by 15th November 2019.
Via the School of Surgery website.
Anatomy and Physiology teaching to support learning for ISCP curriculum and for MRCS examinations. Emphasis is given to continuing professional education rather than ‘coaching’ for the MRCS examinations.
Four anatomy modules and 4 physiology modules are delivered on Tuesdays and it is advised that core trainees ensure that they combine anatomy and physiology teaching sessions. It is recommended that the whole day be taken as study leave.
Anatomy and physiology teaching are linked by dates. Core trainees are advised to take study leave for the whole day.
Core trainees are advised to bring their own refreshments or to make their own arrangements for food and refreshments during the gap between physiology and anatomy modules. There are numerous cafes and sandwich shops in the vicinity that are easily accessible during the short walk from the physiology venue to the anatomy venues.
No car-parking arrangements are available at the University of Bristol and surrounding areas are for ‘residents-only’. There are NCP car parks available 10-15 minutes away by foot. Good bus and train links are available to Bristol and the University. Trainees are advised to plan their travel and if coming by car are advised to offer a lift to colleagues.
Attendance outcomes
A record of attendance will be kept by the Deanery. Attendance details are provided to your Programme Directors and will be assessed at the yearly ARCPs. Certificates will be provided for each module to trainees, who attend, for their portfolio.
Trainee feedback
Trainees will be asked to provide anonymised feedback on each module. This is important for the School of Surgery to ensure that the standards of delivery and content of the teaching is maximized for Severn School of Surgery core trainees in the future.
Failure to attend a module requires a trainee to complete an explanation form which is available below and is returnable to
Type | Title |
Non Attendance Form |