Gloucestershire Upper GI Lesion Recognition and Decision Making Course
Category: Training - School of Surgery
Date: September 16th 2013 9:30am until 4:45pm
Location: Sanford Education Center, Cheltenham General Hospital, Keynsham Road, Cheltenham GL53 7PX
This course is designed to support and develop endoscopists who are either in a training post or established in independent practice, who wish to increase their knowledge and understanding on how to manage common pathologies found in the upper gastro-intestinal tract. The course focuses on being able to recognise normal mucosa and differentiate this from pathological changes and lesions found in the upper GI tract. It will enable individuals to accurately describe findings clearly in an endoscopy report and develop both decision making and appropriate management plans.
The course is aimed at endoscopy trainees, GP, nurse and independent endoscopists.
- Normal anatomy
- Lesion recognition – the oesophagus
- Lesion recognition – the stomach
- Decision making (dysphagia/oesophageal strictures; non variceal upper GI bleeding/H.pylori/NSAIDs; varices/portal hypertensive gastropathy; Barrett’s oesophagus and oesophageal cancer)
- Lesion recognition – the duodenum
- Summary of messages from discussion making groups
- Quiz
- Summary and close
Course objectives:
- To improve lesion recognition in common pathologies
- To improve clinical decision making for common pathologies and clinical scenarios
- Develop a better understanding of therapeutic options in common upper gastrointestinal conditions
- Develop a better understanding of the key terminologies used
Course Organisers: Dr John Anderson, Cheltenham General Hospital, Gloucestershire; Dr Paul Dunckley, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucestershire
Local Faculty: Mr Simon Dwerryhouse, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital; Dr Coral Hollywood, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Invited Faculty: Mr Simon Galloway, University Hospital of South Manchester; Dr Neil Hawkes, Royal Glamorgan Hospital; Dr Paul O'Toole, Royal Liverpool University Hospital; Dr Krish Ragunath, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
For Brochure/Pricing/Registration Info
See the following link: