Introduction to Leadership and Management for Surgical Trainees
Category: Training - School of Surgery
Date: December 4th 2014 8:30am until 5:00pm
Location: Severn Deanery BS16 1GW
IMPORTANT: This course date was formerly 12.12.2014 but has changed to 04.12.2014.
Recent JCST requirements for CCT have indicated the need for a course in surgical leadership and the Severn School of Postgraduate Surgery has developed a Deanery recognised one day course to fulfil this need. Dates for courses (n=15 delegates) have been organised and we invite you to apply to take part. We will be looking to have a cross section of experience from CT to ST6 in each course. Subject to demand it is anticipated that there will be further courses planned.
Delivery of the programme
The guiding principle is to introduce some key theoretical concepts and then where possible link them to actual examples of clinical and management practice. There will be a variety of teaching styles including didactic lecture, small group discussions, large group discussions and role-play. All delegates will be expected to prepare and contribute some examples of leadership and management issues relevant to their everyday experience before, during and after the course.
Topics Covered:
- Brief history of leadership and professionalism
- Social and political styles in organisations
- Communication
- Appreciative Management
- Effective negotiation
- Power models
Improving Outputs
- Elements required to make things happen
Strategic Direction
- Key questions to ask yourself when invited to change
- Understanding your Environment
- Stakeholder Analysis
Educational Outputs
The talks will be short and pithy because surgeons like pith. More seriously, the aim of the one day course is to equip you with some simple, easy to remember and apply, "heuristics" or rules of thumb you can keep in your head and immediately draw upon and apply when confronted with organisational difficulty or even in your personal life. This includes a wide range of situations from dealing with an angry patient, to difficulties with management and colleagues, to becoming more effective in changing practice in your organisation, to becoming more effective as a clinical leader, to negotiating your holidays within a difficult rota etc etc etc.
Richard Canter is currently Associate Dean and Head of the Severn School of Postgraduate Surgery in Bristol and visiting Professor of Surgical Education at the University of Oxford since 2007. After appointment as a consultant surgeon in Bath he completed a PhD in Management at the University of Bath. This led to appointments on the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Project reforming surgical education and an appointment as Deputy Director (curriculum development) of Surgical Education at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He has undertaken reviews of surgical training in the UK for the Royal College of Surgeons and Kosovo for the European Agency for Reconstruction after the Balkan War and made recommendations for improvement. An interest in professionalism and leadership led to research grants on clinician/management engagement. He is Lead Tutor for the Introduction to Surgical Management and Leadership module of the Master’s in Surgical Science and Practice at Oxford University and responsible for the leadership component of the Cochrane Courses on Critical Appraisal for ACFs and ACL at Balliol College, Oxford.
Who can come and Cost
The course is only available to surgical trainees currently in the Severn Deanery and is free. We anticipate significant interest in this course so any trainee who accepts a place and fails to turn up will not be looked upon favourably.
How to get a place on the course (IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ)
Register using the online registration below. Of note: if you are given a course spot you will be asked to provide a short description (250 words each) of one good and one bad leadership or management experience.
For additional information
Contact Chad Elliott at