Basic Principles of Fracture Fixation
Category: Training - Core Surgery
Date: February 21st 2020 8:00am until 5:00pm
Location: Redwood Education Centre, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester GL1 3NN
Basic Principles of Fracture Fixation
Category: Training - Core Surgery
For Core T&O trainees (and FY2s with an interest in orthopaedic trauma)
Lead by expert consultant faculty, this course features hands-on practicals, lectures and small group discussions. Participants will also receive breakfast, lunch and coffees, a course manual, as well as a course certificate.
This is a mandatory course for Severn orthopaedic themed core trainees on 21 February 2020. We hope you can attend this stimulating one day course which will cover the basic principles of fracture fixation
FREE for Severn CTs. £60 for other delegates. For paying candidates, please contact the course organisers via email for details of making payment.
Registration/Additional Information
For registration (or additional information) please contact Robyn Brown at