Oxford Pelvic Floor Centre Masterclass 2014
Category: Training - School of Surgery
Date: May 8th 2014 until May 9th 2014
Location: St John’s College Auditorium, St. Giles, Oxford OX1 3JP
For ST3+ General Surgery, Urology and Gynaecology trainees
The 5th Annual Pelvic Floor Masterclass for Colorectal trainees, fellows, nurses and consultants with an interest in pelvic floor surgery. The Dinner will be held at The Divinity School, The Bodleian Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG on Thurs 8th May 2014 at 8.00pm.
- Oliver Jones, Oxford
- Ian Lindsey, Oxford
- Chris Cunningham, Oxford
- Anders Mellgren, Minneapolis
- Pierpaolo Sileri, Rome
- Karen Nugent, Southampton
- Mark Chapman, Birmingham
- David Jayne, Leeds
- Martijn Gosselink, Rotterdam
- Frederick Ris, Geneva
- Roel Hompes, Oxford
- Joan Robert, Geneva
- Natalia Price, Oxford
- Steve Brown, Sheffield
- Shazad Ashraf, Oxford
- Tony Dixon, Bristol
Thursday, 8th of May. Afternoon/Evening.
12.00 Lunch and registration
12.25 Introduction (Oliver Jones, Oxford)
12.30 Clinician with an interest or a pelvic floor unit? How to make the transition:
- The USA approach (Anders Mellgren, Minneapolis)
- The UK approach (Mark Chapman, Birmingham)
- The European approach (Pierpaolo Sileri, Rome)
Questions in external rectal prolapse (Chair: David Jayne, Leeds)
1.30 Hospital Episode Statistics: what is being done in the UK? (Shazad Ashraf, Oxford)
1.45 Is the perineal approach ever justified? (Tony Dixon, Bristol)
2.00 Mesh erosion: a stain on the reputation of rectopexy? (Pierpaolo Sileri, Rome)
Cases and discussion
How I do it: (Chair: Tony Dixon, Bristol)
2.30 Clinical examination of the pelvic floor patient (Frederick Ris, Geneva)
2.45 Permanent SNS implantation (Joan Robert, Geneva)
3.00 HALO for fourth degree haemorrhoids (Arcot Venkat, Basingstoke)
3.15 Coffee
Protocols: How I manage a rectocoele (Chair: Ian Lindsey, Oxford)
3.45 The colorectal surgeon’s view (Steve Brown, Sheffield)
4.00 The gynaecologist’s view (Natalia Price, Oxford)
Cases and discussion
Something old and something new! (Chair: Chris Cunningham, Oxford)
4.30 Trans-STARR and STARR: heading towards extinction? (Karen Nugent, Southampton)
4.50 Solesta: what sets it apart from other bulking agents? (Anders Mellgren, Minneapolis)
5.10 Anal sphincter repair: one for the history books? (Frederick Ris, Geneva)
5.30 Rectopexy: an overlooked treatment for incontinence? (Oliver Jones, Oxford)
5.50 Fenix: succeeding where the artificial sphincter failed? (David Jayne, Leeds)
6.30-7.30 Drinks at St. John’s College, Oxford
8.00 Dinner at The Divinity School, Oxford
Friday, 9th of May. Morning.
8.00 Coffee
How I do it: (Chair: Karen Nugent, Southampton)
8.30 Pudendal nerve block for entrapment (Martijn Gosselink, Rotterdam)
8.45 STARR (David Jayne, Leeds)
9.00 Solesta injection (Anders Mellgren, Minneapolis)
Protocols: How I manage ODS (Chair: Anders Mellgren, Minneapolis)
9.30 The Southampton view (Karen Nugent, Southampton)
9.45 The Oxford view (Ian Lindsey, Oxford)
10.15 Coffee
The difficult patient: (Chair: Frederick Ris, Geneva)
10.45 Persistent/recurrent obstructed defaecation after rectopexy (Chris Cunningham, Oxford)
11.00 Troubleshooting after permanent SNS implantation (Joan Robert, Geneva)
11.15 Chronic pelvic pain (Roel Hompes, Oxford)
11.30 “An MDT is essential for a pelvic floor unit”
For: (Mark Chapman, Birmingham)
Against: (Tony Dixon, Bristol)
12.30 Lunch and close of meeting
The course fee (including dinner) is £250 (£210 nurses). Earlybird fees, £230 (£190 nurses). (Of note: Earlybird fees apply to bookings & payments received by 15.3.14.)
Registration/Additional Information
A blank application/registration form can be found here http://www.thedukesclub.org.uk/downloads/ApplicationReg_form_2014_word.docx Please email your completed application/registration form to francesvalentine@btinternet.com
Prior to the Masterclass we will run a Nurses & Paramedical session in the morning of 8th May at a separate fee of £50. Programme details can be found here http://www.thedukesclub.org.uk/downloads/Masterclass_prog_final_PDF.pdf
We are delighted to offer a trainee morning on Thursday 8th May, organised & endorsed by The National Pelvic Floor Society. Separate fee of £50. Programme details can be found here http://www.thedukesclub.org.uk/downloads/Masterclass_prog_final_PDF.pdf
Please see application form http://www.thedukesclub.org.uk/downloads/ApplicationReg_form_2014_word.docx for full details of booking options/fees.