Radiology for Surgeons
Category: Training - School of Surgery
Date: November 21st 2013
Location: St Michael’s Hospital, Bristol
For all surgical trainees
This new course has been developed in response to requests from local surgical trainees, who are interested in:
- Increasing their understanding of the technology used for different radiological imaging modalities
- Improving their decision making when considering which types of scan to request in different situations
- Developing their interpretation of radiological images and reports
This one day course aims to meet these learning goals and will include:
- Typical case scenarios, focussing on the acutely ill patient such as Multiple trauma, Right upper quadrant pain, Right iliac fossa pain, Pancreatic cancer, Obstruction
- Technical overview for each radiological imaging modality
- Refreshers on anatomy and radiological appearances
- Interactive discussions with radiologists and surgeons
Faculty will include:
- Dr Cenydd Thomas (Consultant Radiologist, Yeovil)
- Dr Karen Mason (Consultant Radiologist, Gloucester)
- Dr Chloe Mortensen (Senior Registrar in Radiology)
- Mr Nader Francis (Consultant Surgeon, Yeovil)
- Mr Conrad D’Costa (Surgical Registrar, Yeovil)
Booking/Contact information
Additional information and on-line booking available at
Phone: 01935 315052 / 315068