Radiology for Surgeons
Category: Training - Core Surgery
Date: June 16th 2014
Location: Learning and Research Building, Southmead Hospital, Bristol BS10 5NB
For CT2s
Following the September session, further course improvements have been made to ensure that each delegate will have access to learning material on individual computers. In addition to surgical trainees (CT2-ST2), places are also available to first year radiology registrars.
The course was initially developed in response to requests from local surgical trainees interested in:
- Increasing their understanding of the technology used for different radiological imaging modalities
- Improving their decision making when considering which types of scan to request in different situations
- Developing their interpretation of radiological images and reports
This one day course aims to meet these learning goals and will include:
- Typical case scenarios, focussing on the acutely ill patient
- Technical overview for each radiological imaging modality
- Refreshers on anatomy and radiological appearances
- Interactive discussions with radiologists and surgeons
Will include:
- Dr Cenydd Thomas (Consultant Radiologist, Yeovil)
- Dr Chloe Mortensen (Senior Registrar in Radiology)
- Mr Nader Francis (Consultant Surgeon, Yeovil)
- Mr Conrad D’Costa (Surgical Registrar, Yeovil)
- Ms Kat Gash (Surgical Research Fellow, Severn Deanery)
Registration/Additional Information
Limited places are available on this course. More information and on-line booking available at Phone: 01935 315052 / 315068. E-mail: