School of Surgery - MCR & New Curriculum Training for Trainers - 30th June 2021
Category: Training - Other
Date: June 30th 2021 9:00am until 11:00am
Location: via MS Teams
You are invited to a workshop on delivering the new surgical training curricula in Severn Deanery, led by Mr Robert Longman, Head of School of Surgery.
This is available for Clinical Supervisors, Assigned Educational Supervisors and any other clinicians involved in the delivery of surgical training. This is relevant for those delivering training to core surgical trainees and all surgical specialty trainees.
The workshop is 2 hours long and will be delivered through MS Teams. It will focus on Generic Professional Capabilities (GPC), assessing Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) and undertaking Multi-Consultant Reports (MCRs) within the new surgical curricula from August 2021.
Please sign up to attend.