Severn Cadaveric Hand Trauma Course for Core Trainees
Category: Training - Core Surgery
Date: October 19th 2012
Location: Vesalius Surgical Training Centre, Department of Anatomy at the School of Veterinary Sciences, University of Bristol, Southwell Street, Bristol BS2 8EJ
For all Core Surgery trainees (both Core T&O and Core Surgery-In-General). Preference will go to T&O and plastics-themed CT2s.
- Explore the practical principles of hand trauma combining use of fresh frozen cadaveric hands/forearms and dry sawbones
- Guided cadaveric dissections and fracture fixation.
- The focus on maximizing practical exposure.
- Topics will include surgical approaches to digits/palm/wrist, hand and distal radius fracture fixation, tendon repairs, and soft tissue coverage.
- Mr Anthony MacQuillan; Cons Plastic @ Stanmore
- Mr Simon Lee, Cons Plastic @ Frenchay
- Mr Rob Warr, Cons Plastic @ Frenchay
- Mr Raj Bhatia, Cons T&O @ BRI
- Miss Ilana Langdon, Cons T&O @ RUH
- Mr Alex Cowey, Cons T&O @ RUH
Severn trainees £30
Non-Severn trainees £50
Delegates will be notified of places by e-mail on receipt of cheques. Please note that cheques are regrettably non-refundable
Cheques payable to “University of Bristol”
Mr Greg Pickering
C/o Ms Jenny Dando, Orthopaedic Secretary
Royal United Hospital NHS Trust
Combe Park, Bath, BA1 3NG
Please include your: Name, E-mail, Post, Hospital
For Additonal Information
Contact Greg Pickering, CT2 T&O, at or James Warbrick-Smith, CT2 Plastics, at