Severn Deanery Principles of Hip Fracture Management Course
Category: Training - Core Surgery
Date: March 8th 2013 8:30am until 4:30pm
Location: Postgraduate Education Centre, Frenchay Hospital BS16 1LE
For Core T&O Trainees
0830 - 0850: Registration & Coffee
0900 - 1030: Lectures (Current Politics & Targets in Hip Fracture Management, Prevention of Hip Fractures and the Hip Fracture Database, Pre-operative Resuscitation & Anaesthetic Concerns)
1030 - 1045: Coffee
1045 - 1215: Lectures (Extracapsular Hip Fracture Management, Intracapsular Hip Fracture Management)
1215 - 1300: Lunch
IM Nail Fixation
Group 1 (1300 - 1400)
Group 2 (1400 - 1500)
Group 3 (1515 - 1615)
Group 2 (1300 - 1400)
Group 3 (1400 - 1500)
Group 1 (1515 - 1615)
Small Group Discussion
Group 3 (1300 - 1400)
Group 1 (1400 - 1500)
Group 2 (1515 - 1615)
1500 - 1515: Coffee
1615 - 1630: Summary & Feedback
Course Organisers
Mr Ewan Bigsby Specialist Registrar
Mr Paul Rai (CT2) email:
Mr Richard Murphy (CT2) email:
Mr Steve Eastaugh-Waring - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Mr Jason Webb - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Mr Tim Chesser - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr Karen Harding - Consultant Orthogeriatrician
Mr John Mutimer - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr James Nickells - Consultant Anaesthetist
To Register
Core T&O trainees--enter your details below and click submit. Course is free but numbers are capped at 24.