Trauma & Orthopaedic ARCP - 17th June 2019
Category: ARCP Dates - Other
Date: June 17th 2019 8:30am until 5:00pm
Location: Severn Deanery, Park House, 1200 Parkway, Bristol BS34 8PR
The Trauma & Orthopaedic summer ARCPs will be held on 17th June 2019 in Severn Deanery, Park House, 1200 Parkway, Bristol BS34 8YU
Please sign up for the most convenient date you can attend. After your surname please add - AM or PM so we know whether you wish to attend in the morning or afternoon session. A definite time will be emailed to you in due course. Please arrange the necessary leaveof absence from the workplace.
All paperwork needs to be uploaded to your ISCP account, at least 4 weeks before the event.
A copy of the Form R needs to be filled in and sent in to at least 2 weeks before the event.