Yorkshire Microsurgery Workshop
Category: Training - School of Surgery
Date: July 24th 2013 until July 26th 2013
Location: Pinderfields Hospital, Aberford Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF1 4DG
For Core Surgical Trainees and Plastic Surgery trainees, ST3+
Course is aimed at:
- trainees with little or no previous experience in microsurgery
- also suitable as a refresher course for more senior trainees
Course includes:
- a 3-day course using Zeiss microscopes, avian tissue and “Flow SimulationTech”.
- Consultant-supervised individually tailored practical sessions covering Basics of Microsurgery Technique, Vessel Anastomosis (end to end, end to side, interpositional vein graft), Free Tissue Transfer, Nerve Coaptation (primary nerve repair, interpositional nerve graft).
The practicals are complemented by Consultant-delivered lectures covering the principles of microsurgery.
21 CME points (BAPRAS)
Course Conveners
- S Majumder (Consultant Plastic Surgeon)
- S Jivan (Consultant Plastic Surgeon)
- SJ Southern (Consultant Plastic Surgeon)
Course Fee
£700 (strictly limited to 10 delegates only). This fee includes a course dinner, which is an essential part of the experience, providing an invaluable opportunity for faculty and delegates to engage in an informal setting.
For Additional Information/Registration
Contact Sanjib.Majumder@midyorks.nhs.uk
Website: www.MYPlasticSurgeryCourse.org