Posted September 24th 2015 (9 years ago)

What Courses Do I Need to Take?: A Quick Guide to Severn School of Surgery Core Training Courses

A quick guide to the mandatory courses your TPD and Mr. Coulston want you to take over your 2 years of Core Training.


Core Surgery-In-General Trainees

Anatomy/Physiology--Complete all modules in your CT1 year.
Human Factors--Complete this course by the end of your 2 years of core training.
Core Knowledge Training Days--Complete all modules by the end of your 2 years of core training. 
Surgery-In-General CT1 Clinical Skills Training--Complete this module in your CT1 year.
Surgery-In-General CT2 Clinical Skills Training--Complete this module in your CT2 year.
Professionalism & Leadership--Open to all core trainees but mandatory in your CT2 year.


Core T&O Trainees

Anatomy/Physiology--Complete all modules in your CT1 year.
Human Factors--Complete this course by the end of your 2 years of core training.
Core Knowledge Training Days--Complete all modules by the end of your 2 years of core training.
Core T&O Clinical Skills Training Days--Complete all modules by the end of your 2 years of core training.
Professionalism & Leadership--Open to all core trainees but mandatory in your CT2 year.


A list of current courses (more coming soon!) can be found on the Events section of the School of Surgery website using the following link If you have any questions, please email Chad Elliott at